Final 1st round of the Championship of Ukraine among young men born in 2003-2004, Khmelnytskyi
September 5-16, 8 teams participated.
Here are our results in games with other teams:
Anatra (Odessa) - 15:15
Sokil (Lviv) - 35:0
Roland (Ivano-Frankivsk) - 45:0
Podillya (Khmelnytskyi) - 20:0
Kyiv-Darnytsia (Kyiv) - 70:0
Leaders (Odessa) -30:0
OCYSS (Odessa) - 25:0
Due to a referee's mistake in the game with Anatra (Odessa), our team was not credited with the 4th winning attempt (bonus), but we became the leaders of the Championship.